讲座题目:Empirical Research Using Supply Chain Data: A Tutorial
主讲人:吴靖 助理教授
吴靖博士是香港中文大学纽约国际967线路测试决策科学与管理经济学系助理教授、香港深圳联合金融研究中心研究员。他本科毕业于清华大学,于芝加哥大学布斯纽约国际967线路测试获得博士学位和MBA学位。他的研究领域是运营与财务、全球供应链、金融科技与商业大数据应用,研究论文发表在Management Science、M&SOM等UTD期刊,观点着作发表在MIT Sloan Management Review、The Economist、Forbes等杂志。
This tutorial focuses on the empirical supply chain research. We will introduce major supply chain datasets and how they are used in UTD research papers. We will cover many supply chain topics including bargaining, contracting, coordination, monitoring and signaling, information diffusion, risk and disruption, as well as the latest research on global supply chains under the Trade War and COVID-19.